Thursday, November 17, 2011

Activity 6: questions

the purpose that primary documents serve in history is that they serve as a first hand sources to find information. a primary document is a document that reveals personal information that are in books, the news, and much more. primary documents serve as evidence for historians to understand and build an argument to support a disagreement or agreement. the declaration of independence is a primary source written by Thomas Jefferson so that's a first hand document. primary source helps us feel like if we were actually there when it all happened since we can't go back in time. the world of primary documents has changed over the past two decades by advanced technology to find everything faster like iPod, iPad, mac computers, etc.

what does it mean to be an american?

being an american is to be free and have the freedom to say and do what you want to a certain point. in america, protesters can be out and about day and night but in other states they arrest protesters and some times use weapons on them. american has an advantage because we don't need a visa or green card to live here but immigrants need to go through the process in having a green card. A lot of immigrants get treated differently and wrong when they enter in a new country and they need a certificate, passport, or card to re-enter the country they left. the problem in america is that nobody treats each other with respect and equally. people should be treated the way they want to be treated but not a lot of people pay attention to that saying.

Discuss how culture influences your lives:

Culture has influenced my life throughout the years by how i develop with my parents culture. my parents showed me the delicious meals they ate and the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. I grew up in a American culture but i also grew up in a puerto rican culture because i lived in puerto rico from time to time and both of my parents are from there. American culture and Puerto Ricos' culture is type similar because we celebrate certain traditions. The difference is that puerto rico starts school around august and in America there are different types of of school days for some schools. In puerto rico, they celebrate three kings day and some people who came from puerto rico came from celebrate it in America. but there is no law saying that people can't celebrate that tradition because some people create and bring their own traditions to their new country but they respect the laws/rules of the country they are in. this all has made me the person i am today by helping me realize who i am and where i come from. if i was in a different culture i probably would try my best to respect me culture and those around me